Email: liupengyuan [at] pku.edu.cn
2022年,参加NLPCC 2022组织的评测,取得Task 7单项赛道第三名;
2021年,在Nature子刊《Humanities and Social Sciences Communications》发表论文;
2021年,参加国际语义评测Semeval 2021,取得Task10单项赛道第一名与第三名;
2021年,参加NLPCC 2021组织的评测,取得Task 1单项赛道第一名;
2018年,NLPCC 2018杰出论文奖;
- Chunxu Zhao, Pengyuan Liu, Dong Yu. 2022.
From Polarity to Intensity: Mining Morality from Semantic Space.
the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics(COLING 2022).
- Jiali Li, Shucheng Zhu, Ying Liu, Pengyuan Liu. 2022.
Analysis of Gender Bias in Social Perception and Judgement Using Chinese Word Embeddings.
NAACL GeBNLP workshop(GeBNLP 2022).
- 刘鹏远, 张三乐, 于东, 薄琳. 2022.
Proceedings of Chinese Computational Linguistics (CCL 2022).
- 郭梦清, 李加厉, 赵继舜, 朱述承, 刘颖, 刘鹏远. 2022.
Proceedings of Chinese Computational Linguistics (CCL 2022).
- Yi Li, Dong Yu, Pengyuan Liu. 2022.
CLGC: A Corpus for Chinese Literary Grace Evaluation.
the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference(LREC 2022).
- Jishun Zhao, , Shucheng Zhu, Ying Liu, Pengyuan Liu. 2022.
CDAIL-BIAS MEASURER: A Model Ensemble Approach for Dialogue Social Bias Measurement.
Proceedings of CCF International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing (NLPCC 2022).
- Shiya Peng, Ying Wang, Dong Yu, Pengyuan Liu. 2022.
Perception and Cognition Matters: A new light on sentiment analysis task.
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks( IJCNN 2022).
- Shike Wang, Wen Zhang, Wenyu Guo, Dong Yu, Pengyuan Liu. 2022.
Contrastive Learning Based Visual Representation Enhancement for Multimodal Machine Translation.
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks( IJCNN 2022).
- 胡晗, 刘鹏远. 2022. 小样本关系分类研究综述. 《中文信息学报》
- 杜冰洁, 刘鹏远, 田永胜. 2022. 基于计量的百年中国人名用字性别特征研究. 《中文信息学报》
- Jiali Li, Shucheng Zhu, Ying Liu, Pengyuan Liu. 2022.
Gender Stereotypes in TCSOL Dialogue Corpus.
International Conference on Asian Language Processing(IALP 2022).
- Qi Su, Pengyuan Liu, Wei Wei, Shucheng Zhu & Chu-Ren Huang. 2021.
Occupational gender segregation and gendered language in a language without gender: trends, variations, implications for social development in China.
humanities and social sciences communications ( www.nature.com/articles/s41599-021-00799-6 ).
- 赵继舜, 杜冰洁, 朱述承, 刘鹏远. 2021.
Proceedings of Chinese Computational Linguistics (CCL 2021).
- 刘鹏远, 田永胜, 杜成玉, 邱立坤. 2021. 多目标情感分类中文数据集构建及分析研究. 《中文信息学报》
- 刘鹏远, 王伟康, 邱立坤, 杜冰洁. 2021. CDCPP:跨领域中文标点符号预测. 《中文信息学报》
- 朱述承, 苏祺, 刘鹏远. 2021. 基于语料库的我国职业性别无意识偏见共时历时研究. 《中文信息学报》
- Yi Wu, Pengyuan Liu. 2021.
ACE: A Context-Enhanced Model for Interactive Argument Pair Identification.
Proceedings of CCF International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing (NLPCC 2021).
- Mengyang Hu, Pengyuan Liu, Lin Bo, Yuting Mao, Ke Xu,and Wentao Su. 2021.
ProPC: A Dataset for In-Domain and Cross-Domain Proposition Classification Tasks.
Proceedings of CCF International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing (NLPCC 2021).
- Hu Zhang, Pengyuan Liu, Dong Yu, Sanle Zhang. 2021.
ExperienceGen 1.0: A Text Generation Challenge Which Requires Deduction and Induction Ability.
Proceedings of CCF International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing (NLPCC 2021).
- Weikang Wang, Yi Wu, Yixiang Liu, Pengyuan Liu. 2021.
BLCUFIGHT at SemEval-2021 Task 10:Novel Unsupervised Frameworks For Source-Free Domain Adaptation.
Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2021).
- 邢百西, 刘鹏远. 2021.
Proceedings of Chinese Computational Linguistics (CCL 2021).
- 赵继舜, 杜冰洁, 朱述承, 刘鹏远. 2021.
Proceedings of Chinese Computational Linguistics (CCL 2021).
- Pengyuan Liu, Shucheng Zhu, Yi Wu. 2021.
DSC_NEXT: Document-Level Sentiment ClassificatioN with EXTensional-Information.
nternational Journal of Asian Language Processing (IJALP 2021).
- Shuofeng Zhao, Pengyuan Liu. 2020.
DVDGCN: Modeling both Context-Static and Speaker-Dynamic Graph for Emotion Recognition in Multi-speaker Conversations.
Proceedings of CCF International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing (NLPCC 2020).
- HongLiang Bi, Pengyuan Liu. 2020.
Clue Extraction for Fine-grained Emotion Analysis.
Proceedings of CCF International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing (NLPCC 2020).
- 杜成玉, 刘鹏远. 2020. 基于螺旋注意力网络的方面级别情感分析模型. 《中文信息学报》
- Hongliang Bi, Han Hu, Pengyuan Liu. 2020.
Imbalanced Chinese Multi-label Text Classification Based on Alternating Attention.
Proceedings of Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC 2020).
- Mingyu Wan, Baixi Xing, Qi Su, Pengyuan Liu, Chu-Ren Huang. 2020.
Modality Enriched Neural Network for Metaphor Detection.
Proceedings of Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC 2020).
- Sanle Zhang Pengyuan Liu, Hu Zhang. 2020.
A Corpus-based Contrastive Analysis of Style, Vocabulary and Theme of Wuxia and Xianxia Internet Novels.
Proceedings of Chinese Computational Linguistics (CCL 2020).
- ShuCheng Zhu Pengyuan Liu. 2020.
Great Males and Stubborn Females: A Diachronic Study of Corpus-Based Gendered Skewness in Chinese Adjectives.
Proceedings of Chinese Computational Linguistics (CCL 2020).
- 刘鹏远, 刘玉洁. 2019. 中文基本复合名词短语语义关系体系及知识库构建. 《中文信息学报》
- Pengyuan Liu, Yuning Deng. 2019.
XCMRC: Evaluating Cross-lingual Machine Reading Comprehension.
Proceedings of CCF International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing (NLPCC 2019).
- Mengyi Lu, Pengyuan Liu. 2019.
Denoising Distant Supervision for Relation Extraction with Entropy Weight Method.
Proceedings of CCF International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing (NLPCC 2019).
- Changliang Li, Changsong Li, Pengyuan Liu. 2019.
Sentiment Analysis Based on LSTM Architecture with Emoticon Attention.
Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining(PAKDD 2019).
- Pengyuan Liu, Chengyu Du, Shuofeng Zhao, Chenghao Zhu. 2019.
Emotion Action Detection and Emotion Inference: the Task and Dataset.
- Chengyu Du, Pengyuan Liu. 2019.
Linguistic Knowledge Based on Attention Neural Network for Targeted Sentiment Classification.
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence , Chinese Lexical Semantics(CLSW 2019).
- Yue Pan, Pengyuan Liu. 2019.
The Concatenation of Body Part Words and Emotions from the Perspective of Chinese Radicals.
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence , Chinese Lexical Semantics(CLSW 2019).
- Ying Zhang, Pengyuan Liu. 2019.
Research on the Hidden ‘De’ in Basic Noun Compounds Based on the Large-Scale Corpus.
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence , Chinese Lexical Semantics(CLSW 2019).
- Jie Zhou, Qi Su, Pengyuan Liu. 2019.
A Metaphorical Analysis of Five Senses and Emotions in Mandarin Chinese.
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence , Chinese Lexical Semantics(CLSW 2019).
- 自然语言处理论文阅读与写作实践
- 数据结构
- python程序设计
- 胡梦旸 (2020-): 硕士生
- 吴 艺 (2020-): 硕士生
- 赵继舜 (2020-): 硕士生
- 钟 原 (2020-): 硕士生
- 顾璐璐 (2020-): 硕士生
- 李加厉 (2020-): 硕士生
- 薄 琳 (2021-): 硕士生
- 杨致宇 (2021-): 硕士生
- 张绪朋 (2021-): 硕士生
- 黄文源 (2021-): 硕士生
- 郭梦清 (2021-): 硕士生
- 任爱娜 (2021-): 硕士生
- 刘雪林 (2022-): 硕士生
- 牛聪慧 (2022-): 硕士生
- 陈颖诗 (2022-): 硕士生
- 张 旭 (2022-): 硕士生
- 孙 浩 (2022-): 硕士生
- 李 琳(2013-2016): 博士,高校教师
- 张云翠(2013-2016): 硕士,美团
- 孙亚运(2013-2016): 硕士,公务员
- 丁 嘉(2014-2017): 硕士,字节跳动
- 卢 涌(2014-2017): 硕士,公务员
- 刘玉洁(2015-2018): 硕士,海天瑞声
- 张欣园(2015-2018): 硕士,京东
- 王永冠(2016-2018): 硕士,快手
- 郑志军(2016-2018): 硕士,中译语通
- 邓宇宁(2016-2019): 硕士,微软亚洲工程院
- 竺成浩(2016-2019): 硕士,马来西亚大学博士在读
- 杜成玉(2017-2020): 硕士,百度
- 卢梦依(2017-2020): 硕士,智齿科技
- 刘 晓(2017-2020): 硕士,悬镜安全
- 朱述承(2017-2021): 硕士,清华大学博士在读
- 王伟康(2018-2021): 硕士,上海财经大学博士在读
- 毕洪亮(2018-2021): 硕士,新浪微博
- 胡 晗(2018-2021): 硕士,新浪微博
- 潘 月(2018-2021): 硕士,网易有道
- 赵硕丰(2018-2021): 硕士,金山软件
- 张 颖(2018-2021): 硕士,公务员
- 张 虎 (2019-2022): 硕士,国企
- 田永胜(2019-2022): 硕士,字节跳动
- 邢百西(2019-2022): 硕士,公务员
- 杜冰洁(2019-2022): 硕士,小学教师
- 张三乐(2019-2022): 硕士,小学教师